Garden Update, Part 1
Thought of the Day…Weather means more when you have a garden. There’s nothing like listening to a shower and thinking how it is soaking in around your green beans. ~Marcelene Cox
Do you remember in my Summer is just around the corner post the basil I bought basil at Trader Joe’s?
It looked great… right?….
…Well, I moved it outside and now it doesn’t look so hot… it got a bit cold… OK, I should have brought it indoors… but something started nibbling on it! (WARNING… this next few statements might make you squeamish… so feel free to jump to next paragraph! Earwigs… I hate them! I had six of them on my kitchen counter! YUCK!!! How do I prevent them from getting into my herb garden?! ICK!!! I really feel like I need a shower now! ICK!)
…Whew! Now that that is over… on to some more exciting news…
If you recall from my CSA Hanging Baskets post I have a hanging Tumbling Tomato and Spacemaster Cucumber plants.
On May 14th they looked like this…
…and this morning (June 1st) they look like this…
At that angle you can’t see the real subject of the photo… so let me zoom in…
…still can’t see them? Let me zoom in more and circle them for you…
Yep, that’s right… I have TWO tomatoes and it’s only been TWO weeks!
Summer I know you’re coming… YIPPEEE!
Wow I have to admit, I have an agriculture degree and have never heard of an earwig… (of course I focused more on animals than plants but still)… so what is an earwig??
An earwig is an insect. Here's what they look like in your neck of the woods:
I found this for Pacific Northwest bugs, the latter does mention deterrents – I HATE them! :
yup, not sure I've ever seen one… boy I need to get out in the world more 🙂