Teach Myself iPhone App Development

If you recall from my Teach Myself Bucket List post, I listed

7)        Learn to write/create an iPhone app

Well, Hubby and The Offspring were are Borders yesterday. If you’ve not heard Borders is going out of business. Most of the books are 60-70% off. Well, I found this book… Designing the iPhone User Experience by Suzanne Ginsburg.

I have used several iPhone apps so I have an idea of the user experiences that I like, but I flipped though the pages and it looked interesting.

The original price was $44.99. Seems a lot, but with the sale it was $18.00. I used my Amazon iPhone app to check to see how much it was on Amazon and they had it for $26.69, so since I could get it for $18.00 I bought it. 🙂

My next step is spend at least an hour or two each Thursday night teaching myself iPhone app development. I’ll let you know what I think of this book as I proceed.

Have you made progress on your “Bucket List”?