Bye-Bye Netflix
Are you pissed off at Netflix? We planned on canceling as soon as we heard they were raising rates 60%, but decided to wait to see if they wised up and changed their mind…
NOPE! Not only did they NOT change their minds they decided to change how they bill for streaming content. Really smart business move!! I’m sure glad I don’t own stock in Netflix… Look how much it’s dropped since they announced the increase…
…It has gone from $298.73 down to $208.75 for ONE share! Ninety dollars for one share… IDIOTS!!!
Along with the many other pissed-off subscribers… I just canceled my Netflix subscription.
Bye-bye, Netflix! :p
yeah– we were thinking about keeping the instant feature, but are probably going to switch to having an apple TV. it’s just a stupid move on their behalf! and in february, their contract with starz expires– meaning NO good movies ever. no thanks!
We’re going to give Blockbuster’s mail-delivery and in-store swap a try. It’s $8.99/mo. We also Comcast OnDemand with HBO/Starz/Showtime/Cinemax. Also, I have Tivo hooked up to Amazon account and then there is iTunes. I want an AppleTV, but my new Macbook Pro has HDMI out and we stream from iTunes. 😉 WOW! We’re a movie fanatical family!
Nice try, but the entire stock market took that drop.