Sugar Overload
We’re having a “Holiday Goodie Sharing” today at work. I got nominated to coordinate it. That’s what I get for suggesting it and not being at the meeting where it was discussed. (Thanks, Kim! 😉 )
I made two different sugar cookie recipes (of which I will share very soon). While I was frosting the 60+ cookies last night if one broke, the “sugar addict” in me ate it. The “be healthy” part of was sleeping I think…
You’ll notice two different shaped cookies… I did that so I could tell the two recipes apart. At least I was thinking ahead – I wanted people’s opinions and that would help… I was thinking clearly… it was before I started eating the frosted cookies!!
I felt a little ill last night. The Offspring was so wonderful to get me a glass of milk. It helped, but I woke this morning SO NAUSEOUS that I thought I might die! After two glasses of Stash Lemon Ginger Tea and breakfast (1 C Cheerios & 1/2 C Fiber One w/ 1 C frozen blueberries) my tummy started to settle down. 😀
Now, jump forward five hours… It was time to have our “goodie sharing”…
I’m on a major sugar overload! UGH! Forgive me while I sleep with my eyes open and pray for my head to quit spinning!
are there really different shapes there?
Yep. I just added another photo so you can see the two different shapes.
I GOT it!!!
Two shapes.
Some point to the left, while the others point to the right. 8-D
You’re silly! See the newly posted photo. 😉
Why didn’t you call me I would have come over and helped you eat some of them!!!
I didn’t want to tempt you! I know you’re trying to be “good” during the holidays. 😉
Two shapes – one smooth, one ribbed…….
Oh, Evil Gypsy, you are soooo BAAAAAD! Hence your other name… BHAP!
What did I do (or say)?! You’re the one with the dirty mind!
Your Welcome, It was a fun, and both of your cookies were great. Kim