Bountiful Delivery, CSA week 1

Thought of the Day…Weather means more when you have a garden. There’s nothing like listening to a shower and thinking how it is soaking in around your green beans. ~Marcelene Cox

If you recall from my Summer is just around the corner post our family bought into a local Community Supported Agriculture. We received our fist delivery today; which is good because my garden isn’t nearly ready.

Each week we receive a reusable bag with freshly picked produce. We return the bag and get more produce.

Our first week’s delivery included: red leaf lettuce, cabbage, beets, strawberries, rhubarb, pinto beans, popcorn, and a calendula plant (an edible plant; the leaves are good in salads). [6/16 Update: The left picture was taken at night and as you can see the calendula plant is closed down. The picture on the right was taken today during the day. It opened up and smiled at the hiding sun…]


Receiving this first delivery is sure signs that summer is almost here!

My poor garden took a beating today…. cold temps (20 degree drop), hard rain, sleet/small hail (you can see it on the dark ground cover), and wind. The streaks in the photo is the rain/sleet/hail.


Mother Nature, you were supposed to be sunny for 10 days… what happened?