Spring is near
I sure wish Spring would get here already – well, except for the dang Oregon rain!!
While I was in Kansas City a couple of weeks ago, I saw this little crocus smiling at me and couldn’t resist taking a “quick shot”. It is at my Mom’s and it was there just for me (at least that is what I’m telling myself). This is SOOC (straight out of camera), save for the watermark.
I wish my flowers would start blooming – they’ve been coming up since DECEMBER!
What flowers do you have this time of year?
I think I saw some of those outside the entrance to one of the Choice Hotels, too.
I noticed yesterday that the grass is greening, growing and cattle are interested in grazing a little bit in my part of the country.
Cattle in your yard??
It was 70 and sunny/windy yesterday. Today it is sleeting and 37. I know I’m 2 1/2 hrs south of KC, but I’ll bet that poor flower didn’t make it.
Oh… that’s too sad!
Flowers-how about weeds? Nick is coming tomorrow to work in the beds for me.
LOL! I have weeds too! Too bad I don’t have anyone who’ll pull em. 😉