About Me
Have you ever thought… “If I only had time…”? Well, you are not alone. That is my life, too. Sometimes I feel the world is spinning so fast around me and I cannot keep up.
Life keeps me extremely busy. I am a full-time mom and wife, but also work full-time outside the home as a techie. Sometimes I am not sure which end is up… What I do know is that my family is the center of my universe.
This blog is about my journey through life… Be it spending time with Hubby and The Offspring at school functions or softball practices/games; deciding on what to fix for our family dinner; trying to grow things in my garden; developing a fledgling photography business; doing BabySteps to get clutter (and life) under control; learn new a new technology; or meeting new people.
I try not overwhelm my readers with posts in every category every day. You will see ellipse (…) in my posts. Sorry if you don’t like them, but it’s how I write and sometimes it is just the anticipation of what is to come.
Occasionally you will see multi-part stories because to write the whole thing down would take too much time in one sitting… and as you can guess from the title of my blog sometimes there is just Too Much To Do; So Little Time.
I love hearing from people, so please leave comments*. If you wish to have a comment avatar you can register for one at Gravatar (Globally Recognized Avatar); I have also placed a link under Technology Reads in the sidebar.
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Thanks for stopping by!
*Constructive comments are great, but please keep it clean (PG-13). My daughter and mom read this blog so I reserve the right to delete inappropriate posts.
Hi, I could not find your email address so here is mine: sarah@littleoakfarms.com